Genetic Testing Specialist

Women's Center for Health and Wellness

Gynecologists & Reproductive & Sexual Health Care Providers located in Fort Smith, AR

Genetic testing reveals in-depth information about your body’s function, reproductive health, and your risk of various diseases. The team at Women’s Center for Health and Wellness, led by Thomas Wood, DO, offers comprehensive genetic testing services to help you learn more about your current and future health. Call the office in Fort Smith, Arkansas, today to find out more or book an appointment online.

Genetic Testing Q & A

What is genetic testing?

Genetic testing looks for changes in your genes, chromosomes, or proteins that could indicate that:

  • You’re a carrier of a certain disease that could be passed on to an unborn child
  • You carry a gene that suggests you might develop a disease in the future
  • You have a risk of having a negative reaction to certain medications

Currently, more than 1,000 different genetic tests are in use.

Can genetic testing predict cancer?

A specialized set of genetic tests looks for inherited changes in your genes that suggest an elevated risk of developing cancer. 

Certain genes are linked to specific cancers, such as the BRCA genes. Women with certain mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes have a greater risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers.

What is pre-pregnancy genetic testing?

Pre-pregnancy genetic screening gives you information about your baby’s risk of being born with or developing certain health problems or abnormalities. 

You may choose to go through genetic testing to give you peace of mind before starting a family or based on your family or personal medical history and ethnic background.

Genetic testing can identify a number of conditions, including:

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Blood disorders, such as sickle cell anemia
  • Tay-Sachs disease
  • Spinal muscular atrophy

Overall, more than 400 different disorders can be identified using genetic testing.

How is genetic testing conducted?

Usually, genetic testing involves a blood test and/or cheek swab. After giving a sample, your doctor sends it off to a lab for analysis. With pre-pregnancy testing, both partners usually provide a sample for analysis.

How do I know if genetic testing is the right choice for me?

Genetic testing isn’t right for everyone. Even if you come back showing an increased risk level for cancer, for example, it doesn’t mean you will develop cancer.

Consider your personal and family history when deciding whether to undergo genetic testing and how the results will affect your health care or family planning. Your doctor can also help you weigh the pros and cons of genetic testing. 

Schedule an appointment at Women’s Center for Health and Wellness to learn more about genetic testing. Call today or book your consultation online.