Abnormal bleeding: What are your options?

Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the most common complaints in our office. What is it, and what causes it?

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is due to imbalance of hormones. Women make two main hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is continuously released from the ovaries, and builds up the endometrium. Progesterone is only released after ovulation, which stabilizes the endometrium. After 14 days, if your not pregnant, the progesterone drops and menses begins. If you do not ovulate, you do not produce progesterone. When this happens your body does not know to start your menstral cycle. So, over time this creates a thicken endometrium and you start having heavier bleeding.

Abnormal uterine bleeding is caused from something that is anatomical. You may have fibroids or polyps that is causing your heavy bleeding. Fibroids are benign tumors of the uterine muscle that grow into various sizes and locations within the uterus that can cause abnormal bleeding. Polyps are benign growths of the endometrial tissue that can also cause abnormal bleeding.

What are your options? After an evaluation by your provider, which includes physical exam, pelvic u/s, and possibly lab work. They can decide what your options are to treat the abnormal bleeding.

Treatment options include: birth control pills, progesterone, endometrial ablation, hysteroscopy or possibly hysterectomy. Your treatment depends on your personal situation, which can be affected by your medical problems, and what is found on your evaluation.

Do you need help with your abnormal bleeding? Call us and set up your evaluation.

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